Re: Changing a mouse cursor

On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 08:08 -0500, Larry W. Virden wrote:
> Under other desktops, a user reports he was able to change
> his mouse to a large yellow X, which he found preferable.
> This change would take place and the new mouse would be usable
> on the two displays of his desktop.
> Under Sun's GNOME , when he tries the same command, the cursor on
> one of the displays changes, temporarily.  But then something in
> GNOME seems to change it back.
> I know about the 4 mouse cursor shapes available under
> Applications->Desktop Preferences->Mouse .  However, he really
> would like his previous mouse.
> Is there some way to affect a 'permanent' mouse cursor change
> for both monitors?

The way to install an icon theme permanently is, from what I can see, to
untar the cursor theme in ~/.icons, and make a symlink to it with the
name default. I don't think there is UI for that. This probably depends
on capabilities which may or may not be present in Sun's X server. 

-- m

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez <msuarezalvarez arnet com ar>

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