Re: Launch bash script using desktop icon?


On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 18:02 +0100, Esther Parrilla Endrino wrote:

> I have created a desktop icon in my $HOME/.gnome-desktop folder that
> launches a bash shell script, the code inside the *.desktop file is
> something like:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=dummy 
> Comment=dummy Script 
> Exec=/home/foo/
> Type=Application
> When I double click the icon in my desktop it does nothing!
> I have tried too to create the icon not manually but using the desktop
> options to create a new launcher and it does not work either...

I have just created a test.desktop file in my ~/Desktop directory, whith
the following contents:

        [Desktop Entry]

and an executable file /hime/mariano/ with the contents

        exec gnome-about
and clicking on the desktop launcher Works™. 

A remark: 1) the Terminal field should be false, unless the script will
run _in_ a terminal: in your case, your script ends with an 
“exec some-app” line, which ends the shell, and makes the containing
terminal to end, too; indeed, you clearly do not want to have a terminal
while your app is running. 2) your script should probably not rely on
having the current working directory set to anything useful, and
explicitely set it doing a “cd /here/is/where/I/want/to/be” before
exec'ing the java app. Saying “-classpath .” obviously depends on the
current directory; I don't think this is your problem, but it wont
hurt ;)


-- m

PS: I am running GNOME 2.5.HEAD, and some things have changed, but they
should not matter much, I guess.

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez <msuarezalvarez arnet com ar>

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