Re: Taking a screenshot...

On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 11:05:58PM +0200 or thereabouts, Petri Kanerva wrote:
> Hi!
> IS there something I don't see here? Like, I'd want a screenshot with
> the Applications menu showing. Doesn't work with the keys bound to
> screenshot. It works otherwise, but not when a menu is open. Any way of
> doing this?

I was hoping that gnome-panel-screenshot --delay=10 (or whatever: 
the number is in seconds) would be your answer. But I have just 
tried it. The delay works fine, but the menus don't appear

There is a bug open about delay options at

You should probably make a separate bug about trying to get
menus into the mix, and leave a note in #79189 about it (and
vice versa).

In the interim, yes, xwd and/or some gimp skills sounds like 
what you need. 


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