Re: panel trash icon

You can certainly create a launcher to start nautilus and open your
local trash folder if thats what your after. Simply do the following:
1. right click on panel.
2. go to "add to panel" and click on launcher
3. Enter "Trash" in the name.
4. Enter the following in Command: "nautilus /home/flynch/.Trash"
Obviously you will replace /home/flynch/.Trash with the correct path to
your trash folder.
5. select an icon.
6. click close

You now have a panel icon for the trash. It would be pretty cool if
someone build a little applet for this - than your trash can on the
panel could appear empty or full depending on its contents. 

> tir, 2004-04-13 kl. 21:15 skrev Sean Middleditch:
> > Hi all,
> >  Is there a panel applet or method for putting a trash can on the
> > panel?  I often find that my desktop trash icon is covered when I'm
> > trying to delete something, and since the panel is never covered, it
> > could be convenient.
> I dont think there is, but im not sure. The idea sounds very
> interesting
> to me.
> -- 
> Martin Willemoes Hansen

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