Issues with the installation order document for gnome 2.4

Hi folks!

Im not on the list so please reply to both sender and list thanks.

In this document:
I found some small issues, hope they can be fixed if they are ought too,
and if not, why.

1. mozilla is listed below "GNOME 2.4 Installation Order" I think it
should be listed below "External Dependencies" since it is not a gnome

2. fontconfig, Render, Xrender, Xft is listed below "GNOME 2.4
Installation Order", but they are also listed under "External
Dependencies" I suggest they are removed from the "GNOME 2.4
Installation Order"

3. gnomemeeting, depends on pwlib-1.5.2 and openh323-1.12.2 I think
these packages should be added to "External Dependencies" or 
"Development Library dependencies"

4. audiofile, lint, gdm and libgail-gnome seems to be missing from the
"GNOME 2.4 Installation Order", I guess they should be added.

5. The package bonobo-activation from GNOME 2.2 is now included in
libbonobo, I think it would be a good idea to add another section named
something like "Deprecated packages" and add that package there with an

Just my two cents.

Hope to hear from you, what you think.

Martin Willemoes Hansen

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