Re: gnome-term / vte + gnu screen problem


On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 04:12, Zarick Lau wrote:
> Hi,
> gnome-terminal is the term I've used most of the time, but when used
> with screen, I found that, I can't change the keybinding.
> By default, ctrl+A is used to start key chain in screen.
> with xterm, I can rebind a 'alt-`' to ^a
> but I don't know what can I do in gnome-termin..
> btw, is there any way to solve this, whater hints are welcome,

What exactly is it that you want to do?

-- m

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
Departamento de Matematica - FCEyN - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. I. (1428) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    vena de confesiones, hago una más, quizás superflua: detesto con 
    toda mi alma a los fanáticos.

    Norberto Bobbio, Italia civil.

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