Metacity and gnome and startX and... whatever


You have to help me, I'm really down because since three weeks or
more, I try to get gnome2 running. I used garnome-0.22.0 and by now, I
got everything compiled right (that was hard, though). And now I have
the problem that somehow it doesn't start as it is supposed to do.

First I run the script where all the environment variables are adjusted
to fit my settings, like described in the garnome manual. Then I run
startx where in the ~/.xinitrc file I specified that metacity should be
my favourite windowmanager by:

if test -z "$WINDOWMANAGER" ; then
    if test -x /usr/X11R6/bin/kde ; then
    elif test -x /usr/X11R6/bin/startkde ; then
    elif test -x /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2 ; then
    elif test -x /home/tobi/garnome/bin/metacity ; then   # here!
        WINDOWMANAGER=/home/tobi/garnome/bin/metacity     # and here!
    elif test -x /usr/X11R6/bin/wmlist ; then
        for i in `/usr/X11R6/bin/wmlist` ; do
            WINDOWMANAGER=`type -p $i`
            test -n "$WINDOWMANAGER" && break
    elif test -x /usr/X11R6/bin/twm ; then

So after running startx, Linux switches to console 7 and I see the
greay background and the cross mouse pointer, but nothing else. Running
'top' from a different console, I see that metacity is running and
taking about 99.7% of my CPU power, but on console 7, nothing happens.
Then I start gnome-session from the same console where I started startx
which I put in the background before. There appear a few error (?) messages:

** (process:17561): WARNING **: CORBA_ORB_destroy: ORB still has 2 refs.

** (process:17561): WARNING **: ORB: a total of 6 refs to 5 ORB objects were leaked

** (process:17583): WARNING **: CORBA_ORB_destroy: ORB still has 2 refs.

** (process:17583): WARNING **: ORB: a total of 6 refs to 5 ORB objects were leaked

and now there is a second instance of metacity shown by 'top' and an idle
gnome-session process, but still no activity on console 7. After a
while, 'top' also lists gnome-panel and nautiles, but still you can't
see anything, not even a splash or login screen!

Help me, I want that damned gnome thing; I've spent days of downloading
everything I needed and invested so much time in all that... please!!


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