Re: How to turn off Gnome background?? Use Enlightenment??

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 02:14, Travis Saling wrote:
> > I decided I can't live another day without the ability to set 
> > different backgrounds on different workspaces.  SO I grabbed 
> > Enlightenment 16.6 and installed on RedHat 9, which has Gnome 2.2.
> >
> > Here is the problem. Nautilus no longer has the option to turn off 
> > background management, so it blocks me from using the Enlightenment 
> > features.  Only if I kill nautilus altogether is it possible to use 
> > Enlightenment features.
> You have to use gconf-editor to disable it now.
> apps -> nautilus -> preferences ; uncheck "show desktop" (I think)

Another way would be to use the commandline switch for starting up

/usr/bin/nautilus --no-desktop

Tue May 13 08:45:01 EST 2003
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