Multiple mailbox checking apps for gnome 2

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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend some mail checkers for gnome 2 that can check more than
one mailbox?  I'm still using gnome 1.4, primarily because I use gbox_applet
(thanks to Andreas Buesching) and haven't found a gnome 2 port of it or
something to replace it.  I find it quite handy to be able to see from
across the room that there is mail in one of my mailboxes.

A great feature of gbox_applet is the ability to rank mailboxes and have
different images for these different priories.  So if something ends up in
my inbox, the applet shows in a different color than if mail is in a high
volume mailing list mailbox.  This makes it easy to judge if it's worth
getting up and walking over to check my mail. :)

I'd like to be able to take advantage of the many improvements that have
gone into gnome 2 but I think I'd be lost in my daily routine without this
one app (or, more accurately, the features it provides).

I'd even be willing to *try* and port it, if there's any good docs someone
can point me at for porting a 1.4 applet to gnome 2 (not that I know much
about C, but that hasn't stopped me before ;).

Thanks for any help!

- -- 
Todd              OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL:
That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes
the height of wisdom in the next.
    -- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

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