Upgrading galeon

Hello All,

I am trying to upgrade galeon using the binaries supplied on the project site for SuSE. As near as I can tell, upgrading galeon requires an upgrade of mozilla as well. After downloading each of the rpms for my system, I attempted an install and received the following:

swhite:/home/swhite/download/gnomeupdate # rpm -U mozilla-1.2.1-0.i386.rpm 
error: failed dependencies:
	mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by galeon-0.12-40
	mozilla = 0.9.4 is needed by nautilus-1.0.4-86
swhite:/home/swhite/download/gnomeupdate # rpm -U galeon-1.2.5-2suse73.i386.rpm error: failed dependencies:
	mozilla >= 1.0 is needed by galeon-1.2.5-2suse73

As you can see, there seems to be a chicken and egg problem here. How does one resolve such dependencies? The issue I am most concerned about is breaking nautilus, since it would seem that I could always force installation of mozilla, followed by galeon.

Thanks & Best Regards,

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