Re: Enabling outline dragging in Metacity?

On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 14:48, Alan wrote:
> > 1. Why do many Gnome2 dialog boxes not have a Cancel button?
> > See for example:
> > <>
> > Was this a deliberate decision? The lack of a Cancel button makes
> > life much harder for novices imho, or anybody else who makes
> > mistakes :-|
> Two things here:
> One of the focuses of gnome2 was to go with an 'instant apply' theory
> for preferences, so any preference you choose is applied immediately.
> This means no more need for cancel/apply buttons.  This has been the
> subject of endless flame wars on several lists though, so lets not get
> into that again.  
> I believe that one of the things noted in the gnome 2.3/2.4 thread was
> the addition of a 'revert' button though.
> The other thing you may be talking about is that some dialogs don't say
> "ok|cancel" anymore, but "save|don't save" or the like.  This is
> something from the HIG (I believe) that follows some usability studies
> which say that associating the "action" on the button itself, instead of
> having a dialog that says "save?" and buttons of "OK/Cancel" you have a
> dialog that says "wadddyawannado?" and buttons of "save/don't save".
> This removes a LOT of the silly UI problems where quit dialogs would say
> (for example) "files unsaved, quit?" "ok/cancel".  You don't have to
> read through too much to figure out what is going on, the buttons tell
> you.  "save" or "don't save".

I believe that both seth and greg in the past have advocated for step by
step undo, along with a defaults button.


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