Re: How know using mondoarchive when the backup is done?

On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 17:03, Perez, Hugo wrote:
> Hi friends;
> I have following command;
> /usr/bin/mondoarchive -Ot -E /u01 -d /dev/st0 -s 12g -l GRUB -f
> /dev/rd/c0d0p1 -I /dev/rd/ >>backup.logfile 2>&1
> But, the backup.logfile doest´n when the backup done.
> Please let me what is the procedure for see when the backup done?

If you're talking about the Mondo backup tool I'm familiar, it has
_nothing_ to do with GNOME - ask the Mondo people for help with their

> Regards..
> Hugo.   
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>
AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.

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