Re: Disabling nautilus

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 16:08, Ben FrantzDale wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 06:46, Chris Rouch wrote:

> > That gets rid of the entire desktop. Is there anyway to keep the desktop
> > icons, but set the background from outside nautilus? 
> I'm not sure what you mean. The icons are drawn by Nautilus, so if you
> don't have Nautilus running, you don't get icons.

I want the icons, and I want nautilus, but I want to set the background
from a script, not a gui. 

> If you just want to change your desktop background you can use
> Applications->Desktop Preferences->Background, which I would consider to
> be "outside nautilus". Also you can use gconf to set the background.

If you mean gconf-editor, then that works, but as it uses a gui it's not
really what I want. I assume the menu you mention works as well (my
redhat 9 machine is at home so I can't check it), but again it's not
really what I want.



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