Re: Problems building packages

There is no /etc/sgml/catalog in my system. I do recall installing some docbook-3.0 and 4.0 related packages in my system.  I am not sure at this time which packages they are, but if you can tell me howto get the DTDs I'd appreciate it.


Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 11:14:04PM +0000, Gilberto Espinoza wrote:
I am having trouble building the packages that use the script 
gtkdoc-mkhtml.  I am running Suse 7.3 which includes the jade_dsl 
package.  When the script invokes jade I get the following errors. 
Please let me know how to fix this problem.  I am able to compile the 
programs if I remove the docs entry in the SUBDIRS variable of the 

Either your SGML catalog is not set up correctly or you do not have the
Docbook 3.0 DTD installed. Most likely the former item is the problem.
All these error messages are just saying it can't find the DTD.

Have a look in /etc/sgml/catalog (most likely) to see if docbook-3.0 is
mentioned in some form. Then see if the file referred to there exists
and so on down the chain. I don't use SuSE, so I can't be sure of the
exact group of packages you need installed.

Also, you do not need to edit any makefiles to disable the API docs
building. Just pass --disable-gtk-doc to the configure script.


6753 34th Avenue
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