Re: Why ALWAYS need to log in twice for gdm to let me thru?

I had the exact same problem (only with RH 7.2) on my machine at
school.  Myself and another student had a problem where we would start
getting the "failed to connect to :0.0" error after we had already
logged in - no new programs could be run in X, but alreadry running
programs kept working fine.  Strangely, we're the only two to have that
problem, and the class room has nothing but the exact same computers,
with the exact same installs of RH 7.2.

Perhaps upgrading all the latest RH packages would help you out there?

On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 22:19, Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-03-17 at 19:04, Christian Seberino wrote:
> > gdm ALWAYS wants me to log in twice.  It rejects my
> > first attempt and then lets me thru on second.
> Heh, I thought I was the only one.  Or rather, my parents.  Their
> machine sporadically fails on the first login.  I even had it happen to
> me on their machine for the first time just an hour ago.  IIRC it never
> shows the splash screen, it just goes black and flashes back to GDM. 
> It's very inconsistent though.  The best debugging data I can get is
> some anonymous program failing to connect to :0.0 as reported by
> .xsession-errors, nothing more.
> Their machine is a stock RedHat 7.2 with latest&greatest Ximian (freshly
> updated as of an hour ago).  All my other machines with the exact same
> packages do *not* do this.
> It's their only gripe about the machine atm, afaik, so I'd love to know
> if someone has a clue as to why it's happening, so I can fix it.
>       Erik Walthinsen <omega temple-baptist com> - System Administrator
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