Re: Random background images? How?

I think Gnome/Sawfish is the limited because you can't assign different images to different workspaces. I also think nautilus is bad because it forces you to let it control your background if you want icons. How cruel.

I use the Window Maker window manager, and it allows me what I want. The wmsetbg program in WindowMaker sets backgrounds, either for the default window or for specific workspaces.

I have a script that randomly changes backgrounds, it is written in perl, and I've attached it for you. I call that script in a shell script:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
/home/pj/bin/pjbackground -D :1.0 -d /usr/share/Backgrounds
/home/pj/bin/pjbackground -D :1.0 -w 2 -d /usr/share/Backgrounds/sea
/home/pj/bin/pjbackground -D :1.0 -w 3 -d /usr/share/Backgrounds/beach

-D is the display. Most systems only have display 0.0, but mine has 1.0 as well. You probably should put 0.0 there.

if you don't add a -w flag, it changes the background of the root workspaces. That is the default background, the one that shows on all workspaces unless you say otherwise.

If you add a -w flag, it changes that background only.

-d is the flag you use to tell it where your pictures are. It searches throughout that directory structure.

If you want this to change on a schedule, use a cron job. I do, it is fine.

stan wrote:
I'm using Gnoe with Sawfish as my window manager.

Given a directory containg a number of JPEG images, is it possible to have
a random one selected fro my background image each time I log in?

If so, how?

Paul E. Johnson                       email: pauljohn ukans edu
Dept. of Political Science  
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700
use File::Find; #to get all files under mainDir
use Getopt::Std;  # command line processing

getopts("w:d:D:")|| die "Invalid argument\n";

if ($opt_w =~ /\D/) { die "w is not a digit";}

@images = ();

if ($opt_D) {
	$DIS = $opt_D;
#	$DIS = ":0.0"

if ( $opt_w ) {
    $workspace = $opt_w-1;

sub process_file{
    $filename = $File::Find::name;
    if ( -f $filename ){
	push(@images, $filename);

if ( $opt_d ) {
	$basedir = $opt_d;
   $basedir = "$ENV{HOME}/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds";

find(\&process_file, $basedir);


if ($opt_w){
print "\n On disply '$DIS' workspace $opt_w, the background image is now @images[$index] \n";
exec '/usr/bin/wmsetbg','-display',"$DIS",'-a','-u','-w',"$workspace",' ', $images[$index];
print "\n On display $DIS, The background image of the root window is @images[$index] \n";
exec '/usr/bin/wmsetbg','-display',"$DIS",'-a','-u',' ', $images[$index];

Paul Johnson Aug.27, 2000

I am a Gnome user, but vigorously resist the pressure to use
Sawfish. One reason is the pleasant workspace picture capability of
Window Maker and wmsetbg.  Yesterday I worked on a perl script which
can change the background, either for the default window or a
particular workspace, and it will randomly select an image from a
specified directory, OR ANY OF ITS SUBDIRECTORIES.  If no directory is
specified, it is taken from ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds.

I am modestly calling the perl program "pjbackground" and I've put it
in my web site
There is pjbackground, a readme file, and there is a file called
pjbackground-shell that you can call from cron to automate this.

Use it like this:

1. with no command line options: changes root window background to a
picture anywhere in ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds.
$ pjbackground

You should see output like so:

 The background image of the root window is

2. specify the workspace, use the default image directory. (note, I'm
using the workspace number on the clip, not the internal workspace
number, which is one smaller).

$ pjbackground -w4
 On workspace 4, the background image is now

3. Specify a root image directory and it will choose a random one for you:

$ pjbackground -w4 -d /usr/local/share/Backgrounds
 Here is /usr/local/share/Backgrounds/canyon.jpg 

When I tried to run this program under cron, I ran into environment
problems, and learned that cron runs without much environment. So
instead of scheduling pjbackground directly, I schedule a shell script
"pjbackground-shell" and it gets the job done. I just added this entry
with "crontab -e"

0 * * * * /home/pauljohn/bin/pjbackground-shell

to change the picture at the top of the hour in, for example,
workspace 4.

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