Re: Auto Opening RPM And Gzipped Files?

There is a project, RPM Wizard I believe, that can take an RPM and
install it.  Search freshmeat/Google, grab it, install it, and set your
MIME types.

Now if only such a piece of software existed for Debian users... ~,^

On Sat, 2002-06-22 at 18:35, William Lamb wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is there any way to be able to double click on rpm's or gzipped files in
> a file manager and have a program automatically open them so you can
> specify where you want to install them, etc?
> I am familiar with the File Types and Programs panel in the Gnome
> Control Center, but I could not find a gui program capable of working
> with Gnome.  I experimented with Gnozip for a while and got it to open
> when I double clicked a compressed file, but couldn't figure out how to
> pass the file to it.  Not very useful.
> Has anybody got this working on their system? For rpms? For compressed
> files?  I'm running Ximian Gnome on Red Hat 7.2.  Thanks
> Bill
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