Re: Desktop icons move behind panel (regression)

Im not sure if havoc has made a release of metacity since the change was 
made. The change to nautilus was made just post gnome 2.0 in cvs and requied 
cvs metacity. You can update to the latest version of metacity using anoncvs, 
there is some info on about accessing gnome cvs as well. So 
basically if you update to cvs and the bug still exists well then something 
is screwy but im not sure since i dont have gnome available right now.


Daniel Borgmann <daniel liebesgedichte net> said:

> On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 15:06, bordoley msu edu wrote:
> > you need to update to the latest version of metacity which now supports 
> > correct freedesktop window hints, i have no idea if sawfish has been 
> > to support this though. the old gnome desktop hint code was removed by 
mark a 
> > while ago.
> Thanks, but I guess I have the latest release (2.3.987). Or do you mean
> from CVS? If yes, where is that?
> But it already worked before so I don't think it's likely that Metacity
> can't do it. Something just seems to be broken meanwhile. 
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