Re: Galeon splash window

On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 15:32, William Lovaton wrote:
> It would be nice to have a splash window in Galeon,
> don't you think guys?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic/humourous or not? :)

I can't agree - splash windows are only sometimes useful for things
which take an age to start to feedback progress to the user - for
instance it makes sense for Evolution to have a splash window because it
takes a while, even on quicker systems.

Galeon starts up pretty quickly on my K2-500, and I honestly don't think
a splash screen would be helpful - especially when the browser window
has been launched by clicking a link in some other app.

If you really need launch feedback, there is the reportedly broken but
somewhat useful Xalf:


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