Gnome Panel Bug?

Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie to Gnome so please bear with me. I am using Red Hat Linux 7.0 and the Gnome version that came with it (not sure which version, do let me know how I can find this out..). Anyway my partner uses Gnome on her account in my Linux machine as well.

I've had no problems with Gnome myself, but recently she told me that she'd been experiencing bugs with the Gnome panel, and does not recall having made any changes to her desktop configuration. When she boots into Gnome, two terminal windows etc. pop up but no "docked" windows are shown on her panel. Likewise if she starts up new applications, they don't appear on the panel.

Is this a bug, and what can I do - copy over her .gnome-desktop directory with mine, which I can then change to reflect her settings? Mine is still working OK and I don't understand what may have gone wrong.

Thanks for any pointers.
casmilus hotmail com

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