Re: trying to install gnome again

Guillaume Dumoulin wrote:

> >
> There arent any files in this directory :
> [localhost:/sw/src/root-audiofile-0.2.1-2] root# ll
> total 0
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root     admin          92 Nov 28 10:21 .
> drwxr-xr-x  70 root     admin        2336 Nov 28 10:21 ..
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root     admin          24 Nov 28 10:21 DEBIAN
> drwxr-xr-x   2 root     admin          24 Nov 28 10:21 sw
> So should i search in /sw/src/audiofile-0.2.1-2 ?
> There are tons of files in this directory !
> Is it possible to search for these lines in many files at once with a
> special command or with pico ?

I'm out of ideas here, as I said I don't have a clue about the MAC, so
are you trying to install a source
code, with 
make install

So when you got /sw/src/audiofile-0.2.1-2 Then I would suggest building
from here.

Otherwise, I think if you installing from source, try to unpack the
source code archive again,

with gzip -dc audiofile-0.2.1-2.tar.gz | tar xvf -

or tar xvzf audiofile-0.2.1-2.tar.gz

then do:

cd audiofile-0.2.1-2

make install

Alternatively, You could run ./configure with the paramaters 
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

This will cause that your files are generally beeing installed in the
/usr tree.
Configuration files will be installed in /etc
log files and pid files will be installed under /var
and the man pages will be installed under /usr/share/man

Hope that helps, Otherwise I'm out of ideas, sorry :-(

Registered Linux User #228992

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