Re: Sounds mixer needs to start...

On Thu, 2001-11-22 at 18:46, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> Hi, when I start gnome the volume (and other settings) are almost set to
> mute, so I start the sound mixer which then sets the mixer volume to
> what I had last set and I can then quit the mixer and sounds work.
> I don't actually edit the settings, just start it.  Is there a better
> way than this?

If you're using alsa then the sound channels are muted by default and
you need to turn them on. You can either do it by running gmix, or by
adding lines like
/usr/bin/amixer -q set Master on
/usr/bin/amixer -q set PCM on
/usr/bin/amixer -q set MIC on

/usr/bin/amixer -q set Master 20
/usr/bin/amixer -q set PCM 20
/usr/bin/amixer -q set MIC 20

to /etc/rc.d/rc.local (on RH at least).

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