Fatal Error during "panel" loading

I am using an AMD k-2 processor with 38r mb ram and a 40 gig
hard drive to run my Red Hat Linux 7.2 with the included
latest version of GNOME included in the boxed set.

I installed the Linux /GNOME software as an upgrade to a Red
Hat 6.1 system and the associated GNOME at that level.  This
time I chose the GRUB option over the LILO option and during
the installation accepted the "custom" install with the
process, adding as many packages as I could with the
installation.  (system, documents, games, etc)

I shut down the system from the GNOME logout panel at night
before retiring.  In the morning,  I performed a "cold
start" for Linux, and chose the regular o/s over the SMP
option and witnessed the normal installation of kernel and
associated Linux software.  When I came to the login and
password prompt all appearances were normal.  I typed in
"startx" which normally begins the "xwindows" module, and

A lighthouse graphic appeared, with icons showing up from
left to right.  When the last icon
"panel" appeared, the lighthouse graphic disappeared and I
received a dialog box:

Application "panel" process 1140 crashed due to a fatal
error. (segmentation fault)

There was a link to the GNOME website, apparently, where I
could report the failure. A Mozilla browser window appeared
with the GNOME website trouble report could be made.  The
site appeared to be down, as I tried it also with a
Macintosh computer nearby.

I reported the event to the Red Hat product support system,
though I don't know whether or not they will support GNOME.

Very truly,
John F. Kohler
Daly City, CA

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