RE: early plans to an XML Editor -- questions

* Are there already any efforts towards a XML editor/document
  processor? (Not that I found, besides the number of projects that
  use xml)

  Dear Wilbert,

  If you go to, and then type "xml editor" into the
search box, you'll see a load of them. I know that there are many more.

  There's a particularly good one, but I've forgotten the name and can't
find it. You might want to work on it, or at least look at it to see how
they have structured their data.
  (This is yet another instance where I wish I could tell my web browser or
search engine, "Search over all the pages that I have ever looked at"...)

  If you go to, and type in "xml editor linux", you'll find
zillions more.

  Take care,
    Lion =^_^= . o O ( more XML editors than IRC clients, it looks like..! )

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