Re: gnome-terminal

Sander Vesik wrote:
> You can use settings->preferences->general to switch on swap
> del/backspace. It might help.
> IIRC for the version sun will be shipping the change got made in the
> source to make it act differently. I can dig up the patch if you want...
> On Fri, 4 May 2001, Robert H. Ford II wrote:
>         Sander
> One day a tortoise will learn to fly
>         -- Terry Pratchett, 'Small Gods'

Currently I've been using the "Del" key as an interrupt (stty intr ^?),
not as an erase.

If I set the interrupt for new "Del" key (stty intr ^[[3~) my escape key
stops working, go figure.

If you have a patch that fixes this, I would be willing to try it out.

    _/_/_/     _/  _/   _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/_/_/_/ Robert H. Ford II
   _/   _/    _/  _/   _/           _/    _/    Lucent Technologies
  _/_/_/     _/_/_/   _/_/_/       _/    _/     Bell Labs Innovations
 _/   _/    _/  _/   _/           _/    _/      Naperville IL,
_/    _/   _/  _/   _/         _/_/_/_/_/_/    
mailto:rhford2 lucent com
                                                Voice: (630) 713-4957
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|  M N O spiders!                  |      |   |  |
|  O S A R - C D E D B D I's?      |      |   |  |
|  Y I B, M R spiders...           |      |   *  |
|                                  *      |      |
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