Re: Keyboard question

> Is there a way to make the windows buttons on my keybord open the
> pannel menu?

Does the "grab key" button in foot menu->settings->desktop->panel->misc.
recognize the key?

Else you have to tell X about it first. One way to do that is to put
something like 

  keycode 115 = Hyper_L
  keycode 116 = Hyper_R
  clear Mod4
  add Mod4 = Hyper_L
  add Mod4 = Hyper_R

  keycode 117 = XF86Start

in .Xmodmap and run

  xmodmap .Xmodmap

(or restart X, however that isn't needed).

This makes the Micros~2 flag keys work as modifier keys (like Meta)
which you can use for, for instance, window manager bindings instead
of Meta to avoid clashes between programs like Emacs and the global
bindings - nowadays Sawfish even has an easy way to switch all
bindings from the default (Meta, I think) modifier to Hyper.

The last Windows key is bound to XF86Start which you can then bind
with the "grab key" button to start the panel menu.

If you really want all your Windows keys to act as menu shortcuts,
try something like 

  keycode 115 = XF86Start
  keycode 116 = XF86Start
  keycode 117 = XF86Start


There might be another, more descriptive key symbol than XF86Start - I
wouldn't know since I don't use my extra key for a panel shortcut but
rather the slash '/' since it is placed very unhandy in the Danish
keyboard layout.

All this assumes you're using a 101 or 102 keys keyboard layout -
check your /etc/X11/XF86Config file and change it if it says 104 or 105.

Ole Laursen

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