Re: PgUp/PgDown - why Shift???

I can live with the shift-pgup approach. What I want to do is define a key to move just
one line at a time. I can do this in xterm, but not apparently in gnome-terminal. I asked
Miguel de Icaza if this kind of thing was modifiable in gnome-terminal and he thought not
without recompiling:

> > ...  Obviously someone has attached
> > the "shift-pageup" key to a gnome-terminal function (scrollback 1 page).
> > How is that done?  Is there a ".gnometerminalrc" file somewhere?
> I think this is hardcoded into the Zvt widgets or the gnome-terminal
> source code.
> best wishes,
> Miguel.

Does any one out there know if I can define shift-uparrow to be move back one line in the
gnome-terminal buffer?

-Jim Haefner

> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 14:32:11 +0000
> From: Telsa Gwynne <hobbit aloss ukuu org uk>
> To: gnome-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: PgUp/PgDown - why Shift???
> On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 05:49:49PM -0800 or thereabouts, Andrew Scholer wrote:
> > Could someone please explain to the unwashed heathen (aka me), why
> > gnome-terminal wants shift-PgUp to scroll up a page?
> It's in the FAQ.
>    Linkname: PgUp and PgDn don't work in gnome-terminal.
>         URL:
> > The key says "Page Up", not "Jump to the top of the previous command list"
> > (at least on my keyboard).  The PgUp/Down key causes a screen to scroll a
> > pageful of material for each key press in most applications that recognize
> > it (including other gnome aps).
> >
> > Why in the world does gnome-terminal have this bizzare setup as the default,
> > and apparently only, configuration? I'm sure there are some people out there
> > who prefer it this way, but it a) makes little to no intuitive sense, b)
> > renders the application's behavior in response to this fairly standard key
> > different than just about everything else out there.
> Many of us use gnome-terminal and run apps in it which make use of
> PgUp/PgDn. For example, the default keybindings for mutt, a widely-used
> mailer, include:
> <PageUp>    previous-page          move to the previous page
> <PageDown>  next-page              move to the next page
> And I am writing this reply in the editor 'joe', which also uses PgUp/PgDn.
> Inside mutt, inside a gnome-terminal :)
> If gnome-terminal started attempting to use PgUp/PgDn and act as if I had
> just used the scrollbar, I would be cross. In fact, using the scrollbar
> gets me the weirdest result when I try it.
> There are other things that are different for gnome-terminal. For
> example, ^S and ^Q may be keyboard accelerators normally, but in a
> terminal they are used for flow-control, and hitting ^S results in
> a screen which won't react to the keyboard at all until you hit ^Q...
> So for gnome-terminal (only?), out they go.
> > Took me way too long to figure the shift modifier out, and I still find it a
> It's mentioned both in the Gnome FAQ and in gnome-terminal's help,
> under Basic Usage/Scrolling on the first page. In its own paragraph.
> It's also mentioned in the xterm emulation section of gnome-terminal's
> help.
> I'm sorry you didn't find them, but we did try!
> Telsa
James W. Haefner            
Department of Biology   Email: jhaefner biology usu edu
Utah State University   Voice: 435-797-3553
Logan, UT 84322-5305      Fax: 435-797-1575

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