Re: installing gnome

 In order to run GNOME when you startx, you can put the following line
in the .xinitrc file in your home directory:

exec gnome-session

That should do it.  By default, GNOME uses the Sawfish window manager
but as far as specifics, I'm not a guru :)  Sawfish is a good window
manager though! 

Hope that helps,

On 23 Jan 2001 20:07:19 +0200, Petros Sidiropoulos wrote:
> hello,
>  I will attemp to install gnome on my system (GNU/Hurd 0.2), I have
> succesfully run Xfree86, and I can use
> fvwm or blackbox, Can you tell me what my .xintrc file must look like in
> order to run gnome at startup, and what
>  the relationship between wm (like fvwm) and gnome? (a little theory much
> appreciated)
> thank you in advance,
> /Petros < pesid kav forthnet gr >  /
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