Re: putting icons not in tool bar

Hello Billy,
The way to keep them from disappearing from the panel (what I think you
are referring to as the tool bar) is to edit the taskbar properties. The
taskbar applet is the one that displays the icons, much like in windows.
If you have the taskbar applet on your panel then right click on the
very left most part of the applet display and select "Properties". Then
be sure to check "Show iconified (minimized) applications" and "Show
iconifed (minimized) applications on all desktops". This will keep them
from disappearing.

Garrett Mickelson

On 04 Jan 2001 08:49:23 -0600, Billy Patton wrote:
> How can I get minimixed windows to appear as icons on the background and
> not on the
> tool bar.  I've looked throught he setup menu and can find nothing that
> makes
> any sense.
> I'm running Helix on a SUN solaris 7
> My main reason for this is thay keep disappearing from the tool bar
> but still exist when I hit the middle mouse key->windows
> -- 
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>    ___  _ ____       ___       __  __          
>   / _ )(_) / /_ __  / _ \___ _/ /_/ /____  ___ 
>  / _  / / / / // / / ___/ _ `/ __/ __/ _ \/ _ \
> /____/_/_/_/\_, / /_/   \_,_/\__/\__/\___/_//_/
>            /___/                               
> Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methology Group
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> 214-480-4455
> bpatton dal asp ti com
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Garrett Mickelson, Linux Systems Engineer
Telephone: 415.358.2600

Penguin Computing - The World's Most Reliable Linux Systems

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