DNS server problem

Well, the problem description is  :
I want to make my linux m/c  a linux server (intranet).I have made it a DNS server(intranet).and file server(Samba)
I have configured a modem on linux server.
when i connect to internet it appends two lines to /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver  ipaddress  #These ip addressses comes same everytime i connect to internet.I have not provided these ip addresses anywhere.?
nameserver ip address
and when i ping google.com it pings even when my   DNS server  ' named' daemon is not running.
what i want is when i ping it should look for local dns server to resolve the ip address and if not resolved it should look
the named.conf file where the
 forwarders{ipaddress;}; option is provided.
It should not be able to ping if named daemon is not running.
also, if i want to make my linux m/c as gateway server  i think i have to make
forwardipv4 option to yes in /etc/sysconfig/network file.an gateway option as ipaddress of the linux m/c..Is this enough
to make it the gateway server without any firewalls which i would it after sometime.
on client m/c
Any suggestions will be helpful.

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