Re: create launcher on control panel that runs app as root Q2: Keyboard shortcuts

"Jose Guevarra" <j_tek010 hotmail com> 12/18/01 04:08AM >>>
>Can you create a launcher on the control panel that launches apps as root. 
>at least asks for root password?
>Question 2:  Can you create custom keyboard shortcuts?
>thanx for all the help in advance,

I use sudo to do this.  There may be better ways, or a GUI configurer for 
sudo or something.  I don't know.  If so, I am sure someone will mention
it.  Otherwise, install sudo for your dist, man sudo and man sudo.conf.  
Set up your sudo.conf file, and create launchers like 
'sudo /usr/bin/hosesystemasroot'.   If you are really lazy, you can set up
a sudo entry for 'su', and do things like 'sudo su -c "/bin/hosesystem'. 
Depending on your security needs and feelings about security, this may 
seem a little scary, but you won't have to modify sudo.conf anymore....

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