Re: Gnome locks frequently

Or just get the latest NVidia drivers. They seem to be alot more stable.


On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 19:26, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 06:00:57PM -0600 or thereabouts, Ian T. wrote:
> > Hi all.	
> > 	I've been watching for fix for this as well.  I'd love to run 
> > Gnome as it has features I really like.  However I can't run it 
> > reliably because of these lockups.  
> I snipped the log for someone more knowledgeable than me:
> but I know that Gtk-WARNINGs are just that: warnings. 
> Gtk-ERRORs are the ones to watch out for.
> But in the meantime, since it's come up and I foresee lots of
> "me too" posts: machine lock-ups in GNOME requiring the Big 
> Red Button. 
> The single most useful thing you can do is not available to everyone.
> It involves (a) another computer and (b) a network connection between
> them.
> If you have those, there's quite a bit you can do. If not, suddenly
> a journalling filesystem becomes of critical importance, because
> hitting the power button is a grand way to toast data.
> I discovered this the hard way recently, when I was having to
> hit said button a lot :( 
> Earlier in the thread, Havoc said "must be kernel issue". There's 
> one other possibility, and it's X itself. X is a privileged program
> and can actually poke around in the hardware of the machine. You
> can crash it pretty well if you get that wrong. 
> This is what I do when everything freezes (it doesn't happen 
> that often, but this is all burned on my brain).
> Find other terminal on other machine.
> Ping frozen-box. It's up! 
> ssh into frozen-box.
> run 'top'
> Look to see whether something is spinning in 90%+ of the CPU time.
> Yes, there's X.
> At this stage, you can just shoot X. Start top as root, and 'k'
> to kill it. Don't kill X with -9 (the over-used "dead dead dead"
> signal): it doesn't like it at all and won't restart happily
> (your display won't come back). Try 15 first (which is the default
> on 'top' on Linux at least).
> If you're feeling inquisitive, you can narrow it down by shooting
> off the X clients first instead of X: the X clients are the 
> programs running under X, basically. The classic example was
> often Netscape. Killing that off would sometimes get X unstuck.
> So go for that first. Then just randomly kill anything that looks
> like a Gnome or X program. (If the PID column has a single digit
> number, it's probably not Gnome or X and should be left alone:
> processes (programs, usually) get numbered from 1 to 30,000 
> or so, and then start again, taking the numbers that are now 
> free. So 1 is always 'init', then a series of useful things start.
> They hog the lower numbers.) 
> If killing the X clients doesn't do it, then kill X. At that
> stage, my ideas on how to debug X run out (unless Nvidia is
> involved: see below).
> One note on killing X off. Occasionally it seems to
> have triggered an evil X bug. I would return to the frozen
> box expecting it to be working, and the display would still
> be frozen, and I had to resort to rebooting anyway. Then
> I'd get the weirdest display on the console: everything shifted
> a few characters right with a psychedelic coruscating rainbow
> bar down the left. I had to switch off properly and do a 
> cold reboot with that. That was with one particular card,
> but beware of that :) 
> If you can still ping and ssh into the box, then clearly the
> kernel is alive, and it's likely to be something in X that went
> wrong.
> If you can't reach the box at all, it's *probably* the kernel.
> But not always :) I have a NeoMagic chip and I didn't read "man
> neomagic". I was suffering these lockups for a while before I
> was pointed at the man page ("Note:  On  some laptops using the 
> 2160 chipset (MagicGraph 128XD the following options are needed 
> to avoid a lock-up of the graphic engine". Duh. I felt stupid.)
> It's possible this is all Linux-specific, but I don't think
> so. One thing that may be Linux-specific: the closed source
> NVidia-produced 3D drivers are *known* to cause hangs, lock-ups
> and so on. If you have such a driver, uninstall it and use just 
> the XFree86-provided 2D driver and see whether that helps. That
> again will narrow it down. Neither the kernel folks nor the XFree86
> folks care about bug reports involving the binary drivers, 
> because without the source they can't fix them. 
> If you build your own Linux kernel and have only one machine
> and can't do the ssh'ing in, the last hope: there is a patch 
> floating around which will make the keyboard lights flash if 
> the kernel crashes. It's of limited use in most circumstances :)
> But in this case it will at least tell you whether you need to 
> look at X or the kernel!
> Wow, that was long. Sorry. I hope it was reasonably accurate.
> Telsa
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