Re: compile failure

On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 03:54, Marc Williams wrote:
> I need a hand about compiling from source.  I'm running RH 7.1 with
> Ximian Gnome.
> I grabbed the game gsokoban, a Gnome Sokoban clone.  I did the
> ./configure, make, make install thing.  When attempting to run it
> though, I got a bunch of errors at startup mostly implying that I had
> probably configured it wrong.  This is quite likely because I didn't
> understand what the README had told me to do.  
> The instructions say to run ./configure with the PREFIX switch like
> this:  --prefix=/path/to/gnome.  I had omitted this switch hoping that
> the defaults would work.  Evidently they don't.  What I don't understand
> is what is a /path/to/gnome?  Slocate tells me I've got gnome all over
> the place.  Which path would I use?

you need to say
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc


Markus Bertheau

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