Re: Broke gnome with new mozilla version

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 18:45, Rick Horowitz wrote:
> I just made the mistake of installing the latest
> versions of mozilla - 0.9.6 and galeon 1.0.1 via their
> respective RPMs. Don't get me wrong - they're both
> great programs - I like both very much, particularly
> Galeon. The problem is I seem to have broken Nautilus
> integration with the browser, and being new to Linux,
> I could use some assistance with repairing the damage.
> I can run Nautilus. The problem is when I click on a
> menu or info item in Nautilus' Help tab,I get the
> following message:
> "The Web Page view encountered an error while starting
> up."
> BTW, I cheated a bit on the install. The package
> mozilla-0.9.6-0 required mozilla-psm-0.9.6-0, which
> required all sorts of other packages. I first tried to
>  use RPM -U option to upgrade, but was told about all
> sorts of dependencies. I made the (probably dumb)
> decision to use RPM --force option - I think with
> mozilla-psm-0.9.6-0. I then installed  mozilla-0.9.6-0
> followed by galeon-1.0-1. 
> Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Find RPMs of the older versions of mozilla and galeon, and install them
(you'll need to use the --oldpackage flag to the rpm command, as well as

If you're running Ximian GNOME, you can get them off of

Ximian GNOME users will get updated versions of these programs soon. 
There's a reason we don't release packages of things the moment they
come out, and that's to make sure that all of the software works
correctly together.

In the future, avoid using the --force option to rpm when at all
possible.  Be wary of those who advise you to use it; installation
instructions that recommend --force are often a sign of people too lazy
to figure out the right way to do things.  Dependencies are there for a
reason -- to make sure you don't end up in the situation you're in right

Ian Peters
itp ximian com

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