window stacking problem (Z-order)

The windows stacking order changed when I installed RH7.1+Gnome1.4. 

Originally, under RH7.0, windows would stack in the order they were
created. That is, each child overlays its parent. Simply put, the
Z-order was that of a stack. 

That order has now changed: when a grandchild window is created, it
sends the parent under the window of the grandparent. In other words,
when a window looses its focus, it also looses its stacking order.

How do I recover the original stacking order? I gather Control Center
Help is not enabled. I run Sawfish desktop, but not sure whether
staking order is set by window manager or by desktop.

    Haines Brown
      brownh connix com
      kb1grm arrl net

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