Re: gnome-libs-1.2.13 / db problem

hello to all

>So far, I have not been able to get gnome-libs-1.2.13 to compile....
>First, using Berkeley DB 3.3.11, I get the following results:
>The problem is that DB185 is never defined, so the line:
>DB185 *__db185_open __P((const char *, int, int, DBTYPE, const void *));
>fails with an undeclared data type....
>Soooooooooo.....  I tried db 2.7.7, and it compiles - at least past this
>problem, BUT...  complains about libdb not being shared.

i think, this is a very serious problem and i'm glad not to be the only
one who has met those difficulties. i've found no solution.

the conquence is, that GNOME 1.4 can't be manually compiled on a SUSE 7.2
(i've tried it myself and have got the same error messages) or an a
slackware 8.0 (i've only heart about that; is it really true?)

has ony one a solution for us, any workaround or anything else? i want to
integrate such a discription into the gnome installation guide.
/\/\   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ peerceval
>oo<            mailto:peerceval karubik de

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