Re: Galeon and Evolution...

> I use Galeon and Evolution as my primary web browser and email client. I
> love it how if there is a html link in an email that I have, if I click
> on it Evolution will launch Galeon and display the site. How can I make
> this vice-versa? I want to be able to click on a mailto:// link in
> Galeon, which will launch Evolution. Any ideas?

Clicking on a http: URL in Evolution:
Go to the Gnome Control Center. In Document Handlers -> URL Handlers,
for "default" protocol (or add a "http" protocol) specify 

     galeon --new-window "%s"

Clicking on a mailto: URL in Galeon:
I don't know if Evolution has a feature which opens a composer window
the command line. I *think* it does, but I can't find it at the moment.
Email the evolution mailing list, and if you get an answer, please
it to this list.

     = Loban

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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