Re: Mildly annoyed (but growing) ex-WM user

jlemay njmc com (2001-07-31 at 1852.05 -0400):
> This is HIGHLY annoying. Can anyone give me some pointers on this? Ie, is it a
> known problem? Is it a Gnome thing or a Sawfish thing? 

Seems to be a problem with default configs of some Sawfish packages.
Open the keybindings configurator for Sawfish and remove any bindings
to Button1-Click1 that are in title, maybe others too. If you see any
about raise-or-pass, you should change to raise-and-pass or remove
them completly.

It is just about defaults that run amok if something is changed (like
click focus to enter or enter-and-exit) and then getting them back
under control. I know you can get what you want cos I use sloppy
without raise, and I do not have any issue, so patience, and you will
get it right. You are not the first with this kind of problems, but I
hope you are the last one.

If you still have problems, ask here or in sawfish list (or via irc,
server, channels #gnome, #gnome-help or #sawfish).


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