Icons dissappeared when upgrading things.

                        Granada, 27-4-2001

Hello. I have upgraded a lot of things at my computer (you know, I wanted to
upgrade something, when I download it and try to upgrade the rpm, a message
tells me that some other rpm is needed, when I get it, a couple of libraries
must be upgraded and so on, until I aparently have all the things and I can
install all the rpm's without a error message ...).

After doing all of this, when I have entered again in gnome, I see that all my
icons have dissapeared from my desktop. After exiting the xwindows, I can see
that the following error message has appeared repetidely:

gmc: error while loading shared libraries: gmc: undefined symbol: 

gmc (and mc) has been one of the rpm's that I have upgraded. It is actually
the version 4.5.51-32.

I am running Red Hat 6.1, the kernel is 2.4.3, gnome-core is 1.0.39

The panel keeps in its place and I can launch from there GNOME terminal emulator
and run applications from there.

I think that something thas has been upgraded is not so compatible with
something still remaining in the computer, but I cannot figure out what it is.
Has anyone any idea of what is happening?

Thank you for any help.

Best wishes.
Miguel Quirós Olozábal
Departamento de Química Inorgánica. Facultad de Ciencias.
Universidad de Granada. 18071 Granada (SPAIN).
email:mquiros ugr es

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