Re: Nautilus: Edit Preferences -> View Preferences ?!?!?!?!?

Daniel Hauck wrote:
> Let's break it down.
> First, the setting I speak of is NOT under "Edit Preferences -> View
> Preferences."  It's in the selection (Drop-down list box) on the right where
> the options are "View as Icons | View as List || View as Other..." and when
> you select "View as Other..." only THEN do you find a button that says
> "Modify" to change the defaults.
OK, I have found it now. So you can set Icons/List by default. But you
still to set for every folder the Lay_Out manually!! This is not really
> If it *WERE* under "Edit Preferences" it wouldn't be as hard to find.
Abolutly right.
> Furthermore, the "View as Other" dialog is cryptic and unnatural.  This
> dialog is supposed to be aimed only at the directory/folder in view as
> stated by the first line of text in the dialog.  There is a list box that
> makes no clear indication that you should select an entry.  And once you
> Click "Modify" even the subsequent dialog is a little hard to follow.
The dialog is iin some way related to the Open_with->Other_Application
dialog. Don't ask me why. Filetype handling and Layout handling are not 
connected for me.
> Furthermore, under "Preferences" (Under the symbol) there is no such menu
> "Edit Preferences -> View Preferences."  The stated menu does not exist at
> all.  However, as stated, that is where such a preference setting SHOULD be
> located.
> So no, I'm not making a silly mistake.  The previously stated comment was
> entirely wrong.  And I am using Nautilus version 1.0.2, not a previous
> version.
It was wrong, but he tried to help. Thats ok.
> There I go again venting my frustrations on strangers.  I'm sorry.  My wife
> beats me and my children don't respect me any more.  No one likes my
> software any more and now I have to learn this Gnome crap just so I can keep
> up with the competition...
> Sincerely,
> Bill Gates

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