Re: bug report for gnome control center

On Sun, Apr 08, 2001 at 12:45:00PM -0500 or thereabouts, cyberclay wrote:
> Hey,
>   I recently installed Mandrake 8.0beta2 and noticed some very
> unusual behavior in X Windows, running the gnome that comes with
> this distribution.
>   I cannot type the r or z keys anywhere in X.  This is apparently
> due to the fact that they're "hot keys" for both the run menu and
> the menu popup commands; however, the Control Center reports that each
> key must be pressed in conjunction with the crtl+mod1 keys.  Despite
> this, for whatever reason, I cannot use the r or z keys.
>   If I change the Control Center's settings to use, say, q and w then
> I can successfully use the r and z keys, but not the q and w keys.
>   Just FYI...

How strange. This reminds me of a bug report we were all half-convinced
was a joke, which ran, (roughly), 

"I cannoT use The lower-case T key. I know you will Think This is a
joke buT really iT's not."

I have definitely got the wrong letter, and I can remember neither
the case nor whether s/he was using the other case or just omitting
the letter. I really wondered whether it was a joke until someone
else posted something similar months later. 

I never thought of "hot-keys". 

>From IRC, that source of useful people willing to destroy their
desktop in the interests of bug-hunting. 

<Ankh> go to control center, sawfish shortcuts... choose Insert
<Ankh> choose any function that doesn't sound too destructive (e.g. move
 window right)
<Ankh> press the "grab" button for a key, and press n
<Ankh> and then Ok and Try, and now lower case n will appear to do nothing, 
 or will cycle windows, or whatever
<Ankh> the fix for teh user is to delete the shortcut, of course

But that's sawfish. The run and menu popups keys come from the panel
which is part of gnome-core.

Mandrake has a bug-tracker somewhere. If this is only happening on
their beta, I would enter it there. If you can't find it, then I
suppose product gnome-core component panel
(since they are labelled 'panel keybindings') is a place to put it.
But if it's only happening with the Mandrake beta then tell them
first :) 


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