Re: (no subject)

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 09:18:37PM -0000 or thereabouts, Paulo Filipe Andrade wrote:
> Hi,
> When I create a new launch icon for BitchX, I select it to run in terminal,
> but I want it to run in a diferent terminal (Eterm)! Does anyone know how to
> do this?

I don't have eterm installed so I can't check, but like gnome-terminal,
it's an xterm emulator, I believe? There's probably a command line
option to eterm for it.

xterm lets you start things up with xterm -e program, which starts
up the program, and sets window title and icon to that too.
gnome-terminal gives you a choice of gnome-terminal -e program
and gnome-terminal -x program. -e runs the program instead of a shell,
-x runs it inside a shell (according to gnome-terminal --help, anyway).

I would guess man eterm or eterm --help might provide something

If you use this in a launcher, of course, you want to uncheck the
"run in terminal" option :)


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