Re: close a gnome-terminal

On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 05:52:44AM +0100, Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
> * Open a gnome-terminal
> * Start emacs in background "emacs &"
> * Close the gnome-terminal with windowmanager (pressing the close-button)
> Now, not only the gnome-terminal closes but also emacs that was started
> in the background.
> * Open a gnome-terminal
> * Start emacas in background
> * Close by typing "exit" in the gnome-terminal
> Now, it's only the gnome-terminal windows that is closed.
> Is it possible to get the close-button on the gnome-terminal to give the
> same effekt as typing exit. I guess this is a question that also effects
> bash or whatever shell you run. But I don't like that different things
> happens depending on how you close the terminal.
> I have more then once closed in the wrong way and lost work because of
> it. If you have typed stuff in the emacs windows and closes the terminal
> the things you typed are lost...

Try running "nohup emacs &" That'll catch the SIGHUP and emacs hopefully 
won't exit.


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