Re: Independent X/Y scaling in GnomeCanvas...

    James> Well, I've just put my foot in my mouth.  In mitigation, I must
    James> point out that the documentation on the Canvas, particularly the
    James> affine transforms, assumes a lot of background knowledge that I
    James> didn't have, never having done any serious graphics programming in
    James> the past.

Yup.  You know there has to be a simple answer, you just have to dig and dig
to discover the stuff you need that apparently is too "obvious" to document.
Been through it a few times too :-)
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab            Cinema, radio, television, magazines are a
New Mexico State University       school of inattention: people look without
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL             seeing, listen without hearing.
Las Cruces, NM  88003                            -- Robert Bresson

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