Re: Independent X/Y scaling in GnomeCanvas...

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Mark Leisher wrote:

>     James> After reading through the documentation on affine transforms, I've
>     James> come to the unfortunate conclusion that it is impossible to scale
>     James> the canvas, or objects within it, independently in the X and Y
>     James> dimensions.  Am I correct about this?
> I haven't used (or looked at) any of the affine stuff yet, but can't you just
> use 1.0 as the scale factor for the axis you don't want to change?

   Well, I've just put my foot in my mouth.  In mitigation, I must
point out that the documentation on the Canvas, particularly the
affine transforms, assumes a lot of background knowledge that I
didn't have, never having done any serious graphics programming
in the past.

   Well, I just found some (non-Gnome-related) information on affine
transforms and 2-D graphics out on the web, which gives a detailed
explanation of affine transforms; now that I understand exactly how
they are built, I can see that yes, it's perfectly possible to do
independent scaling, but I'll probably have to build the affines by

   I must admit that I was more than a little worried that I was
going to have to do all that stuff by hand.  Panic does strange
things to the mind...

   Thanks to all who responded!

Jim Wiggs
wiggs wiggs net

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