oaf-0.5.1 fails `make test`

I am having some trouble with gnome-vfs, and it seems to be related to
oaf. Here is what happens with a `make test`:

Test by query succeeded
Test from id succeeded
Test from aid succeeded
Broken link test passed 1 ('Couldn't find the factory server'), passed 2
Broken exe test passed 1 (''), passed 2
Circular link test passed 1 ('Location loop'), passed 2
Server that doesn't register IID test failed 1, passed 2
Server with IID but no type or location passed 1 ('Segmentation Fault -
core dumpedFAIL: oaf-test-client
1 of 1 tests failed

Should I file a bug report, or did I do something wrong to make it

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul Barnfather ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
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