Re: problems with new helix sawfish packages

I had exactly the same, just quit x, delete your ~/.sawfish directory and
restart x. That fixed it for me.

Lee Mitchell
lee spamtastic demon co uk
----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Messmore <mesmd rhodes edu>
To: <gnome-list gnome org>
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 5:49 PM
Subject: problems with new helix sawfish packages

> I just updated helix gnome on my Redhat 6.2 machine and I'm running
> into all kinds of problems with sawfish.  The window decorations draw
> oddly.  All I get is a stack of the button images in the top left hand
> corner of the window.  I thought it might be because of theme
> incompatability issues but this even happens with the themes that
> shipped with sawfish.  Also windows are placed in the upper left hand
> corner of the screen as if they weren't even managed.  When I open
> another window it corrects both of the windows decorations and I can
> pull the window from out of the corner by its edges since the titlebar
> is now off the screen.
> I also get a few of these error messages each time a window is drawn:
> *** Bad argument: #<subr get-x-property>, (), 2
> Am I the only one experiencing this or are these bad packages?
> --Mike
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