problems with new helix sawfish packages

I just updated helix gnome on my Redhat 6.2 machine and I'm running
into all kinds of problems with sawfish.  The window decorations draw
oddly.  All I get is a stack of the button images in the top left hand
corner of the window.  I thought it might be because of theme
incompatability issues but this even happens with the themes that
shipped with sawfish.  Also windows are placed in the upper left hand
corner of the screen as if they weren't even managed.  When I open
another window it corrects both of the windows decorations and I can
pull the window from out of the corner by its edges since the titlebar
is now off the screen.

I also get a few of these error messages each time a window is drawn:
*** Bad argument: #<subr get-x-property>, (), 2

Am I the only one experiencing this or are these bad packages?


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