Re: kezbindings *!sic(

Ole Laursen wrote:

> > In the same vein, I would like to know, where I can put a central
> > gnome desktop setting that is available for all users (allowing this
> > possibly distributed via NIS).
> Desktop settings is a lot of things. If you are thinking about
> panel/sawfish/etc. settings, perhaps you could configure things like
> you want them to be, and then copy your .gnome and .sawfish
> directories to /etc/skel so that new users would get these settings as
> default. Or if you already have a lot of users, you could simply copy
> the directories directly to their home.

NO, you can't copy !
gnome developers stupidly write code that write the real pathname of the
users in the user gnome config files.

	grep /home  .gnome/panel.d/default/Applet_Config | head -2  

For a long time I ask they write and interpret $HOME.
Many other people meet the problem.

Without garanty, you can sed all the original file or keep the original
as a permanent skel dir (igu for graphique user interface in french, so
inderstand the name testigu)

Nur der Kleingeist hält Ordnung, das Genie beherrscht das Chaos.
Seuls les petits esprits aiment l'ordre, le génie maitrîse le chaos.

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