Re: how to patch?

On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 04:24:44PM -0700, Josh Steiner wrote:
> Hey folks, I've added a little feature to the gnome-panel that I'd like to
> send a patch for, but i just wanted to make sure i get the whole protocol
> for doing this, since this would be my first patch.  i'm also working on a
> couple of the gnome-applets and gnome-media programs.  

Assuming you've changed more than one file, just move to the top of the
directory tree that you altered and execute

	cvs diff -u > my-patch.diff

This will produce a unified diff of all the files you've changed from
their current CVS state. You probably will want to check that your CVS
tree is completely up to date beforehand, just in case somebody else
altered the same parts of the same files.

If you only changed a single file, you can even save a bit of time by

	cvs diff -u file.c > my-patch.diff

Then just send the patch to the maintainer.

> also i noticed that i did a `cvs -z3 co gnome-applets` and many applets
> directories are empty (specifically the desk-guide, in which i wanted to
> look into a bug).  i guess i dont get how the HEAD and main branches
> work.   which branch should should i be making my patch from?

The desk-guide code is now in the gnome-core module.

I discovered this by using Bonsai 
( and looking
in the Attic directory of gnome-applets/desk-guide. This is where old
files go to die. Then click on any file, select the "View Logs" option
and hope that the person who removed the file included a good log
message. In this particular case, it said exactly what was going on.


Malcolm Tredinnick            email: malcolm commsecure com au
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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